Sunday, October 9, 2011

thankful day 4...

i have the most amazing parents. they are extremely generous, loving and thoughtful towards me.

the amazing thing about parents, is it doesn't matter how you treat them, what you've done or where you've been (or go), they are faithful and loving. i realize this isn't the case for everyone, which only makes me increasingly thankful that the ones that i have are, and are such a representation of the unconditional love that we are given by the Father.

whether things in my life are going smoothly or terribly, mom and dad are faithful to stick by me and be increasingly supportive.

today i'm so grateful for my parents. they are gems and i love them. one day i hope to be the kind of parent to my kids that they've been to me!


Alicia Slywka said...

I am loving your 30 days of thankfulness! We have so much to be thankful for, but far too often we take it for granted and don't appreciate it!

chelsa said...

thanks, lic! i'm enjoying it as well... it's amazing how it changes us. i think we because we stop taking credit for things that are not due us credit! hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and turn your heart to thankfulness. :)